An Ode to Bruce

Created by Emma 2 months ago
Dear Bruce you are one in a million
Everyone saw the hilarious and energetic side of you
We knew you were footy mad and supported the blues
Everyone saw you were an entertainer and you loved to sing
We knew you liked Elvis and a bit of swing
Everyone saw you took pride in all aspects of your life
We know you love your family, friends, running your business and had a zest for life
Our paths crossed at the perfect time
Feel truly blessed to have had you as a friend of mine
Even though you were proud you never asked for recognition or praise
You never complained having two young children on your own to raise
You were so generous helping others in need
You worked so hard and enjoyed the biscuits and tea!
You have made a lasting impression on me as you have on all who knew you
Thank you for bringing joy to me, old friends and new
I'm certain you will be loved and admired forever
You will be forgotten never
There is so much to celebrate about your life as the legend you are
In honour of you, I'll share your memory near and far.
This is not goodbye Bruce, we will meet again x

Here's to Bruce Poynter, incredible man 😃🎉